Walnut Gove Farm — owned and operated by Bob & Barb Mingie
936 Conc 8A-RR1, Lanark, ON K0G 1K0
Off of Pine Grove Road (CR 12) …. 10 km north east from the centre of Lanark Village. The Cavanagh gravel pits are between concessions 5 and 7. We are just pasted thaem on Concession 8A … at the end of the road and the only house on the road.
The property is roughly 322 acres in size.
The house, barn, equipment shed, gardens and most of the grazing pasture sits on a 100 acre block.
South west of this is another 100 acre block (83 acres of which are classified as a provincially significant wetland … which also includes Ramsbottom Lake).
To the north west of the first block is a 50 acre piece and to the north east of the first block is an approximately 72 acre piece.
So, the property is T shaped and is roughly 6000 feet across the top and 4000 feet down the centre.
Click on any picture to enlarge it …

Walnut Grove Farm sign at the junction of Concession 8A and County Road 12 (Pine Grove Road) — NOTE: This sign was flattened (broke off at the ground and toppled over) on October 29/30, 2017 with the wind storm that blew through — we will see how long it takes to get repaired.

Concession 8A into the property … we are getting there …. our gateway is 1 km from the pavement on CR 12

Walnut Grove Farm
…. across the open fields with a westerly view (to the left) of pretty much the whole Clyde River Valley — also great sunsets

Walnut Grove Farm
… home sweet home … house, barn and equipment shed as well as vegetable gardens and fruit trees. .6km from gateway and 1.6km from the pavement (CR 12)

Walnut Grove Farm
… west facing side of the house … wrap around balcony and windows along this whole side make for great views and great sunsets.

Walnut Grove Farm
… regular visitors both in front of the house and behind the house where we have apple trees outside of the fenced in gardens

Walnut Grove Farm
… old maple tree that I have tapped for syrup. Probably left as a shade tree for grazing animals back in the mid 1800’s when the farm was first cleared.

Walnut Grove Farm
… located on the 50 acre parcel of property. It is the first tree based deer hunting stand we built … 8 ft by 10 ft floor space so room for several hunters.

Walnut Grove Farm
… picture of a young buck caught on the trail cams we have near each deer hunting stands

Walnut Grove Farm
… looking east from deer hunting stand #1 … many deer have been shot from this stand and in all the directions shown.

Walnut Grove Farm
… beaver pond on stream that runs across the end of the 50 acre parcel behind deer stand #2 and then continues into Ramsbottom Lake … providing a natural corridor for deer to follow

Walnut Grove Farm
… back on the 100 acre parcel with the house, etc … and looking at a row of black walnut trees

Walnut Grove Farm
… looking back at the same row of black walnut trees as above …. with another black walnut with the actual black walnuts still hanging on the tree in the foreground

Walnut Grove Farm
… with mobile deer hunting stand #1 located just in front of the picture above and overlooking a field where the deer seem to flow both ways in their daily migrations

Walnut Grove Farm
… looking south east from mobile deer hunting stand #1 …. you can not see it here but there are several crab apple trees along the edge of the woods and they regularly attract the deer

Walnut Grove Farm
… looking west from mobile deer hunting stand #1 … deer regularly come in from this side and move across the field passing in front of the stand

Walnut Grove Farm
… a little track through the woods takes us from the 100 acre block with the house, etc to the 100 acre block that includes Ramsbottom Lake and another mobile deer hunting stand.

Walnut Grove Farm
… continuing along between the 100 acre blocks …. there is a nice cedar bush to the left that the deer like for grazing and the cattle we pasture for the summer like for the shade it offers them

Walnut Grove Farm
… out into one of the fields that we replanted as part of our 2010 reforestation program. Using the Ontario 50 Million Tree Program and the services of the Rideau Valley Conservation Authority we planted 13,000 white and red pines in fields not judged to be suitable for pasture or farming.

Walnut Grove Farm
… mobile deer hunting stand #2. The base was built in 2016 and the roof added this past summer

Walnut Grove Farm
… looking west from mobile deer hunting stand #2 at some of the pines we planted in 2010

Walnut Grove Farm
… looking north from mobile deer hunting stand #2 at more of the pines we planted in 2010

Walnut Grove Farm
… looking east from mobile deer hunting stand #2 … at more of the pines planted in 2010 … open spots generally represent areas that were too rocky to plant in

Walnut Grove Farm
… a short walk takes us down to the lake through a dense cedar bush that covers the first 200 feet in from the lakeside

Walnut Grove Farm
… view of lake/wetlands with a good number of fall visitors (ducks) showing through the grasses

Walnut Grove Farm
… example of ‘Billy the Beavers’ work in attacking a number of large poplar trees. This one is still standing but half a dozen have been taken down over the past few years

Walnut Grove Farm
… looking into a portion of the 2010 white and red pine plantings on the 72 acre parcel of land
More to come …..